Excellent Accommodation
Hennikon Homes are all situated in charming residential areas. We ensure that they are all close to Bus stops, Shopping centre, Park, and leisure centre. The homes are spacious and furnished with modern facilities. Each room has a TV, Wardrobe, chest of drawers, bed and linen and an arm chair. However residents are allowed to bring in their own if they choose.
Caring Staff
Hennikon is a highly reputable care organisation that delivers flexible, responsive care 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. We have a dedicated staff team that takes pride in their role and will assist you with any queries you may have. Our team actively listens to the people we support and respond to them accordingly. Before everything, we put people and their individual needs first.Our team appreciates, seek out and encourage the potential in every individual and motivate them to make use of their talent. When choosing our staff we look for the best, by ensuring that they are professional and have some technical ability, as well as firm belief in our organisational values. This is established through training and professional development. Having our employees regulated and fully trained will give them the skills to deliver a professional and also person centred service. We expect our staff to assist us in promoting our company aims, values and objectives.
Qualified and Experienced Managers
We have a high quality management team who provide strong professional leadership and support each member of staff to ensure that they deliver the best possible care. We believe in delivering a person-centred service that is filtered from management to carers and reinforced through training, supervision and appraisals. Hennikon Care Services prides itself on monitoring our performance and constantly striving to achieve more through improvements in practices. We do this by ensuring that systems, policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and adhere to correctly. Our risk management procedures are robust and we use our complaints and compliment system to monitor trends and look at ways that this can be improved or to further inform training needs and development within the staff teams.
Good Working Relationship with Local Authorities to Safeguard Service users
We have an excellent working relationship with local authorities and the CCG’s within the local area and work together to ensure that your needs are being met, addressed and that you are safeguarded at all times. We want you to remain at the heart of the service and will do our utmost to promote your independence, dignity and overall quality of life.