We offer a number of ways of paying for care and work closely with our clients to find options that best suit individual circumstances and personal finances:
Social Services or NHS Trusts
It may be that a client qualifies for full or part-funding of care through their local authority or NHS Trust or other bodies. If a client qualifies for funding they can control the funding by receiving direct payments.
Direct Payment
Direct payments are “means tested” cash payments made to individuals assessed as needing support in place of social services provision. Local Authorities have a duty to make direct payments to people who can consent to use them. Direct payment is usually considered as a first option for everyone, at each assessment and review.
Individual Budget
Individual budgets combine resources from different funding streams to which a person is entitled. These can be:
• Social care funds
• Personal independent payment
• Housing related benefits
• Employment support allowance
• Disabled Facilities Grant
• Integrated Community Equipment Services
Individual budgets are designed to give people choice and control over how they receive their care package. They can be in the form of a direct payment, or services commissioned by the local authority, or a combination of both.